Thursday, August 21, 2008

How do u know if u love someone???

will know when that special someone arrives =) some people say that they get butterflies in their stomach and get very nervous, etc. but i personally wouldn't explain in that way. because i believe different person has different symptoms or ways of "showing" their love. i mean, yes some person happens to have those symptoms but i dont. well, at first i was kinda nervous around him, but as time passed by, it just went away, but that doesn't mean i don't love him anymore. u dont know u love someone from one day to another. first u begin to like the guy, and u get to know him better because u like him, it might be his personality or his look, etc. as u get to know him, u might like him more or like him less. it depends on how u guys get along.after some time, u begin to have stronger feelings for him, and u just want to be the best when his around. u want to show off how good u r and how beautiful u r. u'll be showing ur best side. it is normal. and then u find urself wanting the best for him because u love him, because he means a lot to u. u;ll find urself thinking about him constantly. always wanting to know what he's up to. if anything happens to him, u;ll find urself worried about him. if he's sad, u'll also feel sad, if he's happy u'll b happy because he's happy. u'll feel connected to him. if one day he treats u different, u'll notice right away. if he treats u different in a bad way, u;ll b totally upset. if he treats u better, it makes ur day :) u'll b happy as hell :D one move of his, defines ur mood.these are just some "symptoms" of being in love :) it is kinda complicated yet so beautiful!wish u luck

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