Sunday, November 9, 2008

Love me for me, not for who you want me to be....

"life full of colours, lifes a circle,its a give & take,we share our happiness,we live life to the fullest,grow old gracefully!"

My eyes, the only thing that tells the truth about me. Green; the color of nature. The color of the way things are supposed to be. Months ago, they were grey. Painted by a hand misguided by lust and betrayal.Things quickly changed when I realized what had gone wrong.I had no boundaries, no love lines, or life lines. So I drew my own.I do not fret, or try too hard to hide the scars that I have made.That would be hiding me from others. I am proud of what I have become; whole.I am no longer the broken girl that hurts herself because she cannot hurt others.I have become the girl strong enough to show people who she is and not be afraid of being judged. I am who I am.No one will change that.....
"Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go."

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